Pastors Michael and Melody would like to take this opportunity to thank each of you for being a faithful member and staying the course during this time. We know that God is our provider, protector, and healer and that He brings peace and not fear. We believe that by staying connected to one another and our community, the love of Jesus will prevail and His church will be stronger. This is the time to trust and believe in the one true God and be a harvester in a great time of harvest.
Ways to Connect
Sunday Mornings at 10:00 am
* Attend via live our Facebook Page
* Attend or host a watch party with friends and family in groups of 10 or less at anytime throughout the week
* Come to Epic Church, 1115 E. Memorial Blvd., Lakeland, FL 33801, as long as we are allowed to have the doors open
* Have fun! Take pictures of @home church and post them to Facebook. Tag Epic in each post and add the hashtags:
#EPIChasleftthebuilding #EPIChousechurch #bethechurch2020
​Student Ministries
Epic Kidz (infants - 6 years)
* Thursdays 6:00pm
Emails will be sent out as well as a link on Epic Kidz Facebook from Ms. Deshia
Follow us on Youtube: EpicLakelandKidz
Kidz Praize (6 years - 5th Grade)
* Tuesdays 6:30pm
Emails will be sent out as well as a link on Kidz Praize Facebook from Pastor Latricia with the GoToMeeting information
* Follow us on Youtube: EpicLakelandKidz
The Core (Grades 6-12)
* Video Devo Mondays on Facebook and GroupMe
* Wednesday Night 6:30pm - 7:00pm
Virtual Service (Details of how to join will be sent weekly on the day of through Facebook and GroupMe
Remnant (Ages 18-25)
* Video Devo Mondays on Facebook and GroupMe
We are Epic
Care Conect
Epic Men - Mondays @ 6:30pm
* 5 different classes to choose from. Click here for more inforamtion.
* Connect with the men of Epic, 18yrs and older. Information on how to join the discussion will be posted Mondays on
Wednesday Night Prayer 7pm
* Join us on GoToMeeting as we pray and seek God together. Information on how to join each week will be posted on
Epic Ladies - Tuesdays @ 7pm, Thursdays @ 12pm
* Connect with the women of Epic, 18yrs and older. Information on how to join the discussion will be posted Tuesdays
and Thursdays on the Epic Ladies Facebook
Follow us on YOUTUBE
Visit our website EpicLakeland.com
We thank you for being a faithful giver to the house of Epic Church. It is your generosity that continues to allow Epic to fulfill our mandate and reach ONE MORE.
For sometime we have been looking into additional avenues for online giving. We believe with the current situation now is the time to launch these new platforms. Below are some links and instructions for these new giving methods.
Download the Church Center App (available on Android and Apple). Follow the instructions to set up your account. This app will allow you to not only give, but to also see the groups your can participate in and what is happening at Epic Church.
Text the amount you wish to give to 84321. First time users will follow the instructions to set up an account and input payment information. Once the account is set up, the next time you give, you will simply text the amount you wish to give.